Victor and Daniela moved to Arizona in 2009 from the Windy City Chicago, Il, after getting married in 2009, they’ve been together since 2002. They reside in Queen Creek with their 2 dogs (kids) Gemma and Brynlee. They enjoying hiking, swimming and being outdoors.

Victor and Daniela moved to Arizona in 2009 from the Windy City Chicago, Il, after getting married in 2009, they’ve been together since 2002. They reside in Queen Creek with their 2 dogs (kids) Gemma and Brynlee. They enjoying hiking, swimming and being outdoors.

Victor was born in Hawaii at Hickam Air Force Base, then moved to Illinois at a young age.  He spent most of his career in the auto industry and finally decided it was time for a change from the daily grind. Tim, Victor’s dad often times will tag along on some routes with him. Tim, served in the Air Force and the Reserves for about 35 years and had a long career as a civil engineer. He is now retired due to Parkinson’s Disease, but he enjoys being able to spend time with Victor on his routes and sometimes pitches in when needed.

Daniela was born and raised in Des Plaines, Illinois.  Daniela has a younger brother, named Mike who loved Arizona so much he also decided to move to Arizona. Mike hopes to join us soon and help us grow our family business. Daniela grew up in a household where her father has owned and operated a successful landscaping company in Illinois, so she is no stranger to the family owned business. Daniela’s spent most of her career in the banking industry and is currently pursuing a new career in real estate.

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